Here is the schedule of events for the annual meeting at the Visitation Hotel Frederick, January 15th and 16th.
Get your tickets:
Note the discussion on new EPA fungicide regulations coming down the line.
Preliminary schedule:
Wednesday morning (8:30- 12:15):
State of the Industry
Dealing with Pierces disease
Lanternfly refresher
Breakout session: New Growers workshop
Wednesday Afternoon (1:30- -4:30):
Leaf pulling, shoot thinning and disease management
Cultivar characteristics tasting
Grape phenology stages and water stress
Wednesday Evening (5:00- 7:00):
MGGA Social
Thursday Morning (8:30-12:15):
Breeding for Mid-Atlantic adapted varieties
Dealing with extreme weathers in the Mid-Atlantic
Downey mildew and Mancozeb and new EPA proposed actions
Thursday Afternoon (1:30- 4:40):
Influence of soil parent material on vine nutrition
Nutrient deficiency and remediation