PSU is coordinating a Pre-Veraison Vineyard Management and Site-Cultivar Selection Intensive Workshop on Wednesday, August 3, in Southeastern PA.
This in-person, full-day workshop will visit multiple locations and review approaches to site selection, matching cultivar and vineyard design to vineyard site, pest management, winemaking strategies, and more!
Speakers include Hans Walter-Peterson (Cornell University), Joseph Fiola (University of Maryland), Cain Hickey, Brian Hed, and Molly Kelly (PSU), as well as Ben Cody (1723 vineyards), Carl Helrich (Allegro, Cadenza Vineyards), Ed Lazzerini (Vox Vineti), and Erin Troxell (Galen Glen) representing the commercial industry.
Lunch will be provided and there will be a Wine Social and Reception.
Please see the following link for additional program and registration detail.
Thanks and take care, Joe
Joseph A. Fiola, Ph.D.
Specialist in Viticulture and Small Fruit
University of Maryland Extension
Western Maryland Research & Education Center
18330 Keedysville Road
Keedysville, MD 21756-1104
Voice: 301-432-2767 ext. 344
Fax: 301-432-4089
“The University of Maryland is an Equal Opportunity Employer with Equal Access Programs”.
Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim