Recommended Wine Grape Varieties for MarylandTwenty-three grower and university recommending varieties, including comments on vigor, yield, winter hardiness, more. Also includes eight varieties that are showing promise in our region.
Commercial Vineyard Establishment in MarylandThis MGGA guide details the many aspects of starting a vineyard (commercial or otherwise). Topics include site selection, winery requirements and economic considerations.
Sustainable Practices Workbook for Wine Grape Growing in MarylandThis workbook is designed to allow wine grape growers to assess their vineyard's position regarding sustainability. (PDF - 3.6mb download)
Major Grapevine DiseasesA list of the six most common diseases, with descriptions, pictures, scouting and management practices.
PresentationsList of 2020 Annual Conference presentations.
Local GrapesCounty by County list of locally grown grapes.
Maryland Vineyard Statistics
Vineyard SuppliesEverything for the vineyard.
University of Maryland Extension Office Viticulture PageViticultural Specialist Dr. Joseph Fiola has put together several informative sections, such as: Starting a Vineyard, General Viticulture, Timely Viticulture, Pest Management, Equipment, Newsletters, Web Sites, and Consultants.
FieldWatch / BeeCheck / DriftWatchA definite upgrade from the old Sensitive Crop Locator, FieldWatch, Inc. is a non-profit company created to develop, expand and continue to innovate the DriftWatch Specialty Crop Site and BeeCheck Apiary Registry.
Maryland Wineries AssociationFormed in 1984, the MWA is the non-profit trade association that represents wineries in Maryland. Its mission is to develop and expand the grape and wine industry in Maryland - through education and promotion.
American Society for Enology and ViticultureThe American Society for Enology and Viticulture is a professional society dedicated to the interests of enologists, viticulturists, and others in the fields of wine and grape research and production throughout the world.
Virtual Viticultural AcademyVirtual Viticulture Academy is a revolutionary way to become a better, more productive, and more profitable grape grower. Virtual Viticulture Academy provides a single, interactive platform to access practical, timely, expert viticulture information that is easy to understand and apply for grape growers of all experience levels.
Assessing Ripeness Through Sensory EvaluationMany aspects of fruit ripeness can be assessed right in the vineyard through touch, taste and sight.